Tue, 4, February, 2025, 5:00 am

Complainant of false case jailed in Meherpur

Complainant of false case jailed in Meherpur

Shawdesh Desk:

In a major twist, a Meherpur court sentenced complainant of a false case to imprisonment for seven days.

SM Shariat Ullah, Senior Judicial Magistrate of Meherpur, awarded the jail to the complainant on Sunday.

According to sources, Hifaz Uddin, son of late Zahir Uddin of Taranagar village under Bagoan in Mujibnagar upazila, filed a criminal case on September 21, 2019. He filed the case against Amir Hossain, son of Surat Mistri of Taranagar village under Bagoan in Mujibnagar upazila and Shishir Alam and Shizir Alam, sons of late Dabir Uddin of the same village.


The complainant accused the three persons of causing bodily harm and issuing death threat following a land dispute.

After trial, it appeared to the court that the case was false and ill-motivated filed for harassing the opposite party.

“None of the witnesses adduced evidence in favour of the complainant. The allegation brought against the accused was not proved. Even, the complainant admitted that 2-3 nos accused were not present at the place of occurrence. It seems that complainant filed the case following previous enmity, ” the court observed.

So, the court acquitted the accused persons of the charges furnished  by the complainant.

Apart from the awarding jail, the court fined the complainant Tk 1,000, in default, to suffer five more days in prison.

The complainant has been jailed under Section 250 of the Code of Criminal Procedure which provides for punishment for filing false and harassment cases.

Shefali Khatun, Bench Officer of Senior Judicial Magistrate Court in Meherpur, confirmed the jail of the complainant to the journalists.

Having convicted for filing fake case, the compliant has been sent to the jail.

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